Thursday, July 30, 2015

Malaysian Airline plane MH370 finally found

A Malaysian jet with the discovered part circled in this picture

There seem to be hope of unravelling the mystery surrounding the missing Malaysian Airline plane MH370 which got missing over a year ago. This comes with the finding of parts of 
Local security checking the find

a plane and pieces of suitcases in the town of Saint-Andre on the east of the French island of La Reunion. The piece of the aircraft was swept up the shore and found by beach cleaners. However, the speculation that this find has a connection with the missing plane is being widely debated by aviation experts as the distance between the find and the last known location of the missing plane is more than 3,500 miles. Hopes are high in the find as Malaysian officials confirmed the wing which was found to be from a Boeing 777, which is the same model as the missing Malaysian plane. Investigators in the sector are heading to the Island to confirm the findings. French, Malaysian, and Australian authorities have all begun looking into the object's origin, with Malaysia saying it was
the discovered section of the plane at the beach
sending a team of experts to the island today. The discovery was first sighted by Jonny Begue, one of the cleaners in the Beach which serves as a tourist attraction.