Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Year: Disappointments of the year Tips to move forward

New Year is around the corner; while others are rejoicing in the seasonal celebration; many others are contemplating on the way forward in their lives.
You may have recently encountered disappointments in your job, facing emotional crises due to broken heart from a relationship, while others may have just lost loved ones.
However, there is no problem for you only need to look deeper to appreciate all you have passed through within the year.
Basically, being alive seems to be the most important thing in this discuss, as making yourself happy and lifting your spirit depends solely on you the thinker/reader and no other person living or dead can make you achieve that.
No matter what the situation could be, think of other positive things that have come across your way this year and literally count your blessings; from there, you can find the strength to carry on.
I want you to grab a paper and pen and write down these points as I take you through some brainstorming points and events in your life through the year.
How many new places did you visit within the year; It is widely known that travelling is part of education, so if within the year you have added new places or countries to the number of places you visited, you have ultimately learnt something and added value to your life.
How many new friends have you gotten that have made great impacts in your live, I mean those that have taught you new skills in countering life’s difficult situations, shown you new business strategies in life, given you shoulder to cry on when you needed a comforter, lent you a helping hand when things were rough; opened your eyes to many opportunities you can utilize to achieve your desired level in life. Knowing people brings more opportunities in life especially in this current generation where networking is very vital in business and life in general.
Other things to ponder on are the many breakthroughs you have achieved in your workplace no matter how insignificant, the new gadget you just purchased that has added a little value to your life, what new things have you learnt in the aspect of cooking, maintaining your health and keeping fit in this world of multiple health hazards; what is the newest fashion you have learnt in keeping up with the society, which bad habits have you successfully dropped from your system within the year.
What are the major teachings you have learnt in life within the year; you don’t need to be asked how many extra few coins that have been added to your bank account. However, if there were no increase in the account, the mere existence of the account means there is potential for increasing it.
Time to look forward:
Religiously going through the above stated, you can agree with me that the year never went in vain. So cheer up and have another perspective to your views; start by knowing how to utilize your advantages in life.
·        Think of the next year as a new start for many things to come:
·        Utilize the experiences you have gathered through the year for that next big thing in your life;
·        Grab the opportunity of your new acquaintance and develop that big picture in your mind around them;
·        Have you checked the possibility of the new places you just visited in projecting your new business idea?;
·        Have you checked how the negative experiences you encountered within the year can help in solving problems for others and educating friends;      
·        In this coming year, have you thought of dropping those friends that have negatively influenced life;
·        Which steps do you intend taking to improve yourself spiritually, educationally and financially this coming year;
·        If you have not discovered your potentials in life all these while, why can’t you resolve to face it this coming year

·        Lastly, forgive and settle your scores with everyone so that you can start the New Year on a new page in principle and reality. http://iykmezu.blogspot.com/2015/01/blog-post.html?m=1