Tuesday, May 17, 2011

How did Bin Laden die; Which version did you hear?

In this Nigeria, there is nothing you will not hear. The other day I went to a joint and to my surprise I saw a full grown man openly embarrassing himself with one version I honestly do not know where he got it from. In his narration, he said the Americans located Bin Laden long time ago and on the planned date of his attack, he was just strolling out to one of the supermarkets near his house when he was shot by the American commandos. According to this my young shameless man , Osama went to the supermarket in company of one of his grandchildren. The army approached him and he brought out a pistol he hid under his dress, but it was too late and they shot him. The army then carried his body to a military helicopter and took it to America. Later in the day, the television beamed Obama, opening Champagne to celebrate the death of Osama after receiving the corpse at the airport. 
How can a person in this century just open his mouth and start embarrassing himself with things he only imagined and thinks everybody around him is as uninformed as he is. My people, let’s take things easy. Something you are not sure of, just respect yourself and keep quiet. I actually saw stupidity written all over the man that is why I never bothered arguing the story with him although I was not the person he was narrating it to .Pity the uninformed.