Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Chapped lips are splinters and breakage of the lips as a result of extreme dehydration of its surface.  Factors contributing to chapped lips include weather condition (eg hot and dry climate), habits like smoking and continuous licking of the lips. Some deficiencies in essential vitamins can also be a contributing factor to chapped lips. Effects of chapped lips include but not limited to painful sore, blisters on the lips, untidy looking lips and of course low confidence. The psychological effect of chapped lips is far worse than the pains the sours carry.  A person with chapped lips feels uncomfortable when meeting people as lack of self esteem comes to play.  Notwithstanding the severity of the chapped lips, any individual can easily get rid of it through some simple steps being discussed here.

First step in treating chapped lips is the use of a lip mosturiser to soften the lips. This step is very vital as it aids to soften the rough portions of the lips. Softening the lips will ease exfoliating the dead skin later on. The period of mosturising would range from 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on the severity of the skin. Mosturising will assist removal of the outer layer without disfiguring the already irritated skin tissues.

To exfoliate the mosturised lips, one needs a very soft brush which should not be rough on the lips to gently brush the surface. This allows for easy replacement of the chapped dead cells revealing the smooth tender underlay.
Facts to note about maintenance of the lips
The lips need always to be moisturized to maintain its radiance.
Mosturising of the lips with lip balm or gloss should be a round-the year activity and not for a particular season alone. A healthy looking lips makes a good impression of its owner.