Japan radiation: 'People are worried'
The Japanese government has warned anyone within the 20km exclusion zone around the Fukushima Daiichi plant to leave the area immediately.The warning comes after the plant was rocked by a third blast. Those up to thirty kilometres away have been told to stay indoors and close their windows.
BBC News website readers in Japan have been sharing their experiences of life after the quake.
The above is one of the reports coming out of Japan.
Who will tell us the truth about the radiation exposure level in the Japan radioactive leak? It’s a known fact that responsible governments will not like to put panic into its citizens. However, in situations like this, it is better the condition is openly discussed so that the citizens will know what next to do than hiding it from them and risking more lives.
You see, nobody is even talking about the displaced people again. I pray for this people every minute now.