Thursday, July 29, 2010

7 ways to avoid moody situations in your life

1. Always have at least a sketchy plan of how your day will look like(every morning);
2. Wake up in the spirit and the belief that you will succeed in the affairs of that day;
3. Try and analyze the places you visit that dampens your spirit
4. Recover quickly from any negative mood you find yourself in;
5. A mere tune or scenery can be the magical charm to put you back in a good mood.
6. Then avoid those places, persons or activities which caused you to go into a bad frame of mind.
7. Have confidence in your ability no matter the situation.


Can you fight?
If your answer is yes, then
what can prompt you to fight?
Think about that,
which kind of location can you fight?
Suggestions .. Market, church, public places, express road, school premises, bedroom etc.
Do you know who might be watching you when you are doing such?
In fact, which kind of person do you intend to fight?
A priest, a friend, a law enforcement agent, a driver or a person doing his legitimate duty of traffic control?
My people, wake up to reality, stop behaving like animals.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010